Finland’s famous climate target under threat – NGOs take the state to court

Finnish environmental and human rights organisations and Finnish Sámi Youth are taking Finland to court for its lack of adequate climate action. Finnish Grandparents for Climate is one member of this coalition. The organisations argue that the government’s inaction violates Finland’s national Climate Act, internationally acknowledged for its relatively strong targets, and fails to meet the state’s legal obligations to protect human rights. The case builds on a previous court ruling in Finland, as well as on the recent groundbreaking ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in the case of KlimaSeniorinnen v Switzerland.

This illustrates why it is important for us grandparents to be active too, and unite across borders to defend current and future generations. Finland must now take the court’s decision seriously, and take sufficient climate action, so that children’s environmental and human rights can be respected, as established by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

The appeal has been filed by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, Greenpeace Norden, Amnesty International Finland, the Finnish Nature League, the Finnish Sámi Youth  and Finnish Grandparents for Climate

You can find a comprensive press release here.